Mar 1, 2020
This episode is all about your relationship with you. So many of us are so hard on ourselves and we just think there is no way to change that. Especially when it comes to the loss of our babies. We are so good at blaming ourselves. But you can change your relationship with you just by recognizing the thoughts you are thinking and deciding if you want to keep them. You are amazing, worthy and whole, just as you are. Let's learn how to love ourselves so we stop suffering and can use our talents to bless the rest of the world.
To watch the video about healing after the accidental death of his son:
If you have any questions, let me know here:
If you would like to share your baby's story on the podcast, submit here:
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Music provided by ZingDog / Pond5
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
Keywords: miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, grief